
SolarZ began as a monitoring platform for solar energy systems and became a hub of solutions for companies in this segment, today with tools ranging from pre -post sales of integrative companies, Solarz helps more than 4,600 companies in its ecosystem.

Founders: Thiago Silvano, Talles Silvano, Samuel Melo

Investment Year: 2021
Headquarters: Mossoró
Sector: Energy, ClimateTech


Delfos is a SaaS platform focused on the renewable power generation industry. The product Delfos enables renewable energy -generating companies, focusing on wind and solar, monitically monitors and maintenance of their power generation assets. Delfos provides its customers with the ability to achieve operational excellence by taking advantage of all available operational data within the organization to optimize assets performance and retain operational knowledge.

Founders: Guilherme Studart e Samuel Lima

Investment Year: 2021
Headquarters: Energy, ClimateTech
Sector: Iot


Voltbras develops technology to enable and expand business in electric mobility, with management and payment solutions in electroposters. Through customizable White Label solutions for recharge networks, connects them with users and drivers.

Founders: Bernardo Durieux, Rodolfo Levien, Carlos Eduardo


Investment Year: 2021
Headquarters: Florianópolis
Sector: Mobility, ClimateTech, Energy


Turbi is a 100% digital vehicle rental company, which promotes the use of its own shared cars among the community in a sustainable, practical and affordable model.

Founders: Diego Lira, Marcio Pedrozo, Luiz Bonini

Investment Year: 2018
Headquarters: São Paulo
Sector: Mobility, ClimateTech


Fretadão is the #1 solution for corporate charter management in Brazil and has become a one-stop-shop platform for corporate mobility. The innovative technology solution, which uses IoT, geolocation and script algorithms, makes employees transport more accessible and less stressful to passengers and economical and easy to manage to companies.

Founders: Antonio Carlos Gonçalves, Alexandre Santos, Bruno Milaré, Silvia Moreira de Faria, Janaina Cassetari

Investment Year: 2018
Headquarters: São Paulo
Sector: Mobility, ClimateTech


Stattus4 emerged to preserve the essentials: water. With artificial intelligence technology and IoT sensing, Stattus4 has developed solutions – the ADA and 4fluid system that transforms field data into useful information and detect potential leaks in water distribution networks. The information contributes to the digitization of sanitation processes, and is important to making operational and strategic decisions.

Founders: Marilia Lara e Antonio Oliveira

Investment Year: 2022
Headquarters: Sorocaba
Sector: Smartcities, ClimateTech


Sensix is ​​an agtech that provides crop performance analysis using data on the history and cultivation condition. They consolidate fertility, nematodes, compaction, booth, weeds, satellite and drone images, rain and harvesting, delivering automated processes and ROI to customers.

Founders: Carlos Ribeiro e Thomaz Lemos

Investment Year: 2020
Headquarters: Uberlândia
Sector: Agtech, ClimateTech


Semexe is a marketplace specialized in new and used high quality sports goods. The platform connects retailers, brands and consumers, allowing users to find products quickly and easily.

Founders: Rafael Papa e Gabriel Novais

Investment Year: 2021
Headquarters: São Paulo
Sector: Marketplace, ClimateTech


UsedosBR is a hub of automotive solutions that provides tools throughout the car buying journey for both sellers and buyers. On-line experience from end to end to the purchase and sale of a car through innovation and technology.

Founders: Mênfis Augusto, Ricardo Parreira, Flavio Parise, Renan Winterink

Investment Year: 2021
Headquarters: Goiânia
Sector: Marketplace, ClimateTech