Possui uma experiência de 24 anos em investimentos early stage no Brasil. Começou sua carreira em 1999, quando co-fundou a e-Platform, primeiro investidor institucional do BuscaPé. Posteriormente fundo a El Area, que foi também um dos primeiros investidores institucionais do Descomplica. Hoje, Pontillo é o responsável pelo FIP ANJO, gerido pela DOMO.VC, que está no ar desde 2019 e já tem mais de 50 investidas na carteira. O FIP ANJO, conta com o BNDES como investidor âncora, e conta ainda com o apoio do BNB, BANDES, BRDE, BANRISUL, BADESUL e BOSSANOVA.
Has 24 years of experience in early stage investments in Brazil. He began his career in 1999, when he co-founded e-Platform, BuscaPé’s first institutional investor. I later founded El Area, which was also one of Descomplica’s first institutional investors. Today, Pontillo is responsible for FIP ANJO, managed by DOMO.VC, which has been online since 2019 and already has more than 50 investments in its portfolio. FIP ANJO counts on BNDES as an anchor investor, and also has the support of BNB, BANDES, BRDE, BANRISUL, BADESUL and BOSSANOVA.